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Scott Whipple ran a string of 2.2 passes to take the Dome Valley Raceway Top Fuel Shootout 2012 title defeating John Cadzow in the final round. Gary Mink continued on his winning ways with a 2.44 in the final round to get by Scott Carroll. The 2 Dolla’ Bill team of Billy Morris rode a string of great Reaction Times to take the Top Eliminator class win over Jim Rossi. Daniel King in the Animal Control car qualified #1 and found his way to the Fast Fours class victory. Bob Gill took the Pro Outlaw FE category win over Jay Poortenga. Poortenga came back and made the trip from Michigan worth it with a Pro 1 victory. Bracket class winners on Sunday include Steve Anthony (Pro 2), Alan Mamer (Pro 3), Mark Ratliff (Motorcycle Pro 1), and Shawna Mayo (Motorcycle Pro 2). *ALL Run Sheets & Videos are now online. 2/8/11.*

Top Fuel
1st-Scott Whipple
2nd-John Cadzow
3rd-Marcus Norris
3rd-Matthew Ludlow
Top Fuel Qualifying & Eliminations Run Sheet
Top Fuel Sunday Eliminations Video

Round One Eliminations (Driver ET RT)
Scott Whipple (W) 2.284/163.65 Bye
Marcus Norris (W) 2.443/147.01 .172 def. Dennis Rieck 2.559/126.43 .114
John Cadzow (W) NT Bye
Matt Ludlow (W) 2.332/157.14 .068 def. Shane Sanford 2.749/147.77 .241

Round Two Eliminations
Scott Whipple (W) 2.269/167.56 .146 def. Marcus Norris 2.480/148.74 .087
John Cadzow (W) 2.368/160.58 .147 def. Matt Ludlow 2.489/162.14 .043

Final Round
Scott Whipple (W) 2.250/165.45 .136 def. John Cadzow 3.512/53.73 .205

Top Alcohol
1st-Gary Mink
2nd-Scott Carroll
3rd-David Morton
3rd-Ashley Sanford
Top Alcohol Qualifying & Eliminations Run Sheet
Top Alcohol Sunday Eliminations Video

Round One Eliminations (Driver ET RT)
Gary Mink (W) NT Bye
David Morton (W) 2.557/135.82 .116 def. Pedro Villa 2.725/112.25 .145
Scott Carroll (W) 2.510/NS .139 Bye
Ashley Sanford (W) 2.723/128.91 .499 Bye

Round Two Eliminations
Gary Mink (W) 2.426/147.32 .121 def. David Morton 2.468/125.20 .118
Scott Carroll (W) 2.681/131.65 .309 def. Ashley Sanford NT-RL

Final Round
Gary Mink (W) 2.447/142.49 .107 def. Scott Carroll NT-Stage Foul

Top Eliminator
1st-Billy Morris
2nd-Jim Rossi
3rd-Todd Kinney
3rd-Paul Graham
Top Eliminator Qualifying & Eliminations Run Sheet
Top Eliminator Sunday Eliminations Video

Race-In Round Eliminations (Driver ET RT)

Todd Kinney (W) 3.035 .299 def. Ron D’Artenay 3.331 .257

Round One Eliminations (Driver ET RT)
Todd Kinney (W) 2.997 .076 def. Paul Taylor 3.001 .163
Billy Morris (W) 3.065 .046 def. Carey Mahoney 2.979 .176
Paul Graham (W) 2.989 .164 def. Larry Snow 2.999 .182
Jim Rossi (W) 2.967 .124 def. Tim Martin 2.942 .158

Round Two Eliminations
Billy Morris (W) 3.190 .001 def. Todd Kinney NT-Broke .088
Jim Rossi (W) 2.971 .133 def. Paul Graham 2.976 .131

Final Round
Billy Morris (W) 2.988 .036 def. Jim Rossi 2.931 .185

Fast Fours
1st-Daniel King
2nd-John Cronin
3rd-Art Cronin
3rd-Aaron Mamer
Fast Fours Qualifying & Eliminations Run Sheet
Fast Fours Sunday Eliminations Video

Round One Eliminations (Driver ET RT)
Daniel King (W) 2.938/110.11 .119 def. Art Cronin 3.391/110.22 .234
John Cronin (W) 2.873/NS .242 def. Aaron Mamer 3.163/99.00 .087

Final Round
Daniel King (W) 2.881/NS .671 def. John Cronin NT-Broke

Pro Outlaw FE
1st-Bob Gill
2nd-Jay Poortenga
3rd-Frank Prock
Pro Outlaw FE Qualifying & Eliminations Run Sheet
Pro Outlaw FE Sunday Eliminations Video

Round One Eliminations (Driver ET RT)
Jay Poortenga (W) 3.222/101.57 .121 def. Frank Prock 3.492/70.65 RL
Bob Gill (W) 4.553/NS Bye

Final Round
Bob Gill (W) 3.047/91.78 .141 def. Jay Poortenga 5.429/28.97 .063

Pro 1
1st-Jay Poortenga
2nd-Steve Foster
3rd-Marc Whitmore
Pro 1 Eliminations Run Sheet

Pro 2
1st-Steve Anthony
2nd-Steve Foster Jr.
3rd-Bill Cole
3rd-Hunter Buettner
Pro 2 Eliminations Run Sheet

Pro 3
1st-Alan Mamer
2nd-Jim Clark
3rd-Mike Carlson
Pro 3 Eliminations Run Sheet

Motorcycle Pro 1
1st-Mark Ratliff
2nd-Brad Olson
3rd-Collin Barnella
Motorcycle Pro 1 Eliminations Run Sheet

Motorcycle Pro 2
1st-Shawna Mayo
2nd-Mark Ratliff
3rd-Garrett Ratliff
3rd-Westerman Smith

Motorcycle Pro 2 Eliminations Run Sheet


Scott Whipple heads into eliminations for the 2012 Top Fuel Shootout at Dome Valley Raceway as the top qualifier. Scott’s 2.247 from Friday’s qualifying held up for the top spot and he also ran Low ET for Saturday with a 2.27. Other top qualifiers heading into eliminations include Gary Mink (Top Alcohol), Daniel King (Fast Fours), Paul Taylor (Top Eliminator), and Bob Gill (Pro Outlaw FE). Sportsman & Junior class winners on the day were Jessie Weston (Sportsman 1), Alan Mamer (Sportsman 2), Collin Barnella (Motorcycle Sportsman 1), Grant Hutchinson (Motorcycle Sportsman 2), Lance Root (3.75 Index ATV), Keith Ahart (4.00 Index ATV), and Aimee Mamer (Junior Dragster). The Open Pro classes will be completed Sunday morning. *Note: Saturday Video Links will not be active until after the completion of the event.*

Top Fuel

Final Qualifying Order
1. Scott Whipple 2.247/169.40
2. John Cadzow 2.317/148.74
3. Matt Ludlow 2.390/157.86
4. Marcus Norris 2.484/140.18
5. Dennis Rieck 2.491/140.96
6. Shane Sanford 2.910/130.17

Saturday TF Highlight Video

Top Alcohol
Final Qualifying Order
1. Gary Mink 2.469/134.91
2. Scott Carroll 2.543/124.78
3. Ashley Sanford 2.555/116.83
4. David Morton 2.590/123.14
5. Pedro Villa 3.805/58.62

Saturday TA Highlight Video

Fast Fours
Final Qualifying Order
1. Daniel King 2.808/121.54
2. John Cronin 2.836/109.85
3. Aaron Mamer 2.959/99.04
4. Art Cronin 3.029/105.22
5. Don Diffenbaugh 3.679/57.97

Saturday FF Highlight Video

Top Eliminator
Final Qualifying Order
1. Paul Taylor 2.950
2. Paul Graham 2.971
3. Jim Rossi 3.008
4. Billy Morris 3.017
5. Carey Mahoney 3.027
6. Tim Martin 3.027
7. Larry Snow 3.034
8. Todd Kinney 3.082
9. Ron D’Artenay 3.203
Broke. Kenny Cameron 3.224
Broke. Pat Headington 3.280
Broke. Adam Ross 3.320

Saturday TE Highlight Video

Pro Outlaw FE
Final Qualifying Order
1. Bob Gill 2.924/116.59
2. Frank Prock 3.070/104.01
3. Jay Poortenga 3.189/100.47

Saturday Pro Outlaw FE Highlight Video

Open Pro
1st-Bill Cole
2nd-Kenny Thomas
3rd-Steve Anthony
3rd-Charlie Johnson
Open Pro Eliminations Run Sheet

Motorcycle Open Pro
1st-Angel Estevez
2nd-Garrett Ratliff
3rd-Mark Ratliff
3rd-Mike Brock

Motorcycle Open Pro Eliminations Run Sheet

3.75 Index ATV

1st-Lance Root
2nd-KC Barnella
3.75 Index ATV Eliminations Run Sheet

4.00 Index ATV
1st-Keith Ahart
2nd-Heather Taylor
3rd-Collin Barnella
3rd-Chris Spitali
4.00 Index ATV Eliminations Run Sheet

Sportsman 1
1st-Jessie Weston
2nd-Jack Bone
3rd-Hunter Buettner
Sportsman 1 Eliminations Run Sheet

Sportsman 2
1st-Alan Mamer
2nd-Chele Van Horn
3rd-Richard Ross
Sportsman 2 Eliminations Run Sheet

Motorcycle Sportsman 1
1st-Collin Barnella
2nd-Mark Ratliff
3rd-Heather Taylor
Motorcycle Sportsman 1 Eliminations Run Sheet

Motorcycle Sportsman 2
1st-Grant Hutchinson
2nd-Shawna Mayo
3rd-Tristan Graham
Motorcycle Sportsman 2 Eliminations Run Sheet

Junior Dragster
1st-Aimee Mamer
2nd-Lauren Rodriguez
3rd-Ryan Rodriguez
Junior Dragster Eliminations Run Sheet

1st-Dakota Barnella
2nd-Bryant Erwin

1st-Emmanuel Beas
2nd-Jaisyn Wolfe
3rd-Cole Canfield


The 3rd Annual Top Fuel Shootout has completed Day 1 of the event. Scott Whipple ran a new track record with a 2.247 @ 169.40MPH to lead the pack in the Top Fuel class with the CANIDAE Fueler. Terri Blair had a wild ride in the Fugowie Top Fueler at the end of a 2.43/141MPH pass, but thankfully Terri emerged okay. Other top qualifiers from Friday include Scott Carroll (Top Alcohol), Aaron Mamer (Fast Fours), Paul Taylor (Top Eliminator), and Bob Gill (Pro Outlaw FE). The Pro Truck class was a great success with 17 entries in the first running of the class on the west coast. Charlie Johnson had a great string of RT’s with his worse being .025 in Eliminations to take the final round win over Steve Foster Jr. Wes Gilmore (Quick 8) and Lance Root (Motorcycle Ironman) were the other big winners on the day.

Top Fuel

Qualifying Order (After 1 of 3 Sessions)
1. Scott Whipple 2.247/169.40
2. Terri Blair 2.430/141.81
3. Matthew Ludlow 2.463/164.65
4. Marcus Norris 2.484/140.18
5. Dennis Rieck 2.491/140.96
6. John Cadzow 2.679/136.45

Friday TF Highlight Video

Top Alcohol
Qualifying Order (After 1 of 3 Sessions)
1. Scott Carroll 2.564/143.69
2. David Morton 2.797/111.72
3. Ashley Sanford 3.212/75.80
4. Pedro Villa 4.073/48.94

Friday TA Highlight Video

Fast Fours
Qualifying Order (After 1 of 3 Sessions)
1. Aaron Mamer 2.959/99.04
2. Art Cronin 3.029/105.22
NT. Daniel King
NT. Don Diffenbaugh
NT. John Cronin

Friday FF Highlight Video

Top Eliminator
Qualifying Order (After 1 of 3 Sessions)
1. Paul Taylor 2.978
2. Carey Mahoney 3.027
3. Tim Martin 3.027
4. Larry Snow 3.079
5. Kenny Cameron 3.224
6. Pat Headington 3.280
7. Adam Ross 3.320
8. Ron D’Artenay 3.729
9. Jim Rossi 2.891
10. Billy Morris 2.889
NT. Paul Graham
NT. Todd Kinney

Friday TE Highlight Video

Pro Outlaw FE
Qualifying Order (After 1 of 3 Sessions)
1. Bob Gill 2.924/116.59
2. Jay Poortenga 3.241/97.33
3. Darin McChesney 3.883/84.06
4. Frank Prock NT

Friday Pro Outlaw FE Highlight Video

Pro Truck
1st-Charlie Johnson
2nd-Steve Foster Jr.
3rd-Kenny Hayes
Pro Truck Eliminations Run Sheet

Quick 8
1st-Wes Gilmore
2nd-Steve Foster
3rd-Keith Ahart
3rd-Sid Payne
Quick 8 Eliminations Run Sheet

Motorcycle Ironman
1st-Lance Root
2nd-Shawna Mayo
3rd-Kendall Banducci
3rd-Grant Hutchinson

Motorcycle Ironman Eliminations Run Sheet

TOP FUEL QUALIFYING DATA LOG                                                                                               

RUN       CAR #    DRIVER RT           60'           ET           MPH

Q1           528         MARCUS NORRIS              0.123      1.037      2.484      140.18

Q1           527         MATTHEW LUDLOW          0.070      1.094      2.463      164.65

Q1           1042       SCOTT WHIPPLE                0.150      0.982      2.247      169.40

Q1           127         TERRI BLAIR        0.217      0.989      2.430      141.81

Q1           918         JOHN CADZOW   -0.054    1.224      2.679      136.45

Q1           89           DENNIS RIECK   0.280      1.060      2.491      140.96

TOP ALCOHOL QUALIFYING DATA LOG                                                                                      

RUN       CAR #    DRIVER RT           60'           ET           MPH

TT           4              ASHLEY SANFORD            0.179      1.135      3.197      75.28

Q1           525         DAVID MORTON  0.166      1.169      2.797      111.72

Q1           7598       SCOTT CARROLL               0.037      1.115      2.564      143.69

Q1           916         PEDRO VILLA      0.900      1.218      4.073      48.94

Q1           4              ASHLEY SANFORD            0.069      1.128      3.212      75.80

FAST FOURS DATA LOG                                                                                  

RUN       CAR #    DRIVER RT           60'           ET           MPH

Q1           173         AARON MAMER   0.142      1.115      2.959      99.04

Q1           1172       DANIEL KING       NT                                          

Q1           230         DON DIFFENBAUGH          NT                                          

Q1           33           JOHN CRONIN    NT                                          

Q1           22           ART CRONIN       0.914      1.198      3.029      105.22

PRO OUTLAW FE DATA LOG                                                                                          

RUN       CAR #    DRIVER RT           60'           ET           MPH

Q1           196         JAY POORTENGA               6.134      1.238      3.241      97.33

Q1           555         FRANK PROCK   NT-RL                                   

Q1           613         BOB GILL              0.293      1.211      2.924      116.59

Q1           667         DARIN MCCHESNEY         -0.050    1.513      3.883      84.06

TOP ELIMINATOR QUALIFYING DATA LOG                                                                                  

RUN       CAR #    DRIVER RT           60'           ET           MPH

Q1           7              ADAM ROSS         0.067      1.295      3.320      98.74

Q1           21           CAREY MAHONEY              0.101      1.244      3.027      116.23

Q1           5022       BILLY MORRIS     0.089      1.171      2.889      111.39

Q1           187         TODD KINNEY     NT-RL                                   

Q1           585         PAT HEADINGTON             0.084      1.241      3.280      97.14

Q1           114         JIM ROSSI             0.187      1.122      2.891      105.61

Q1           714         PAUL TAYLOR     0.131      1.186      2.978      108.40

Q1           773         RON D'ARTENAY                0.316      1.395      3.729      66.94

Q1           113C      KENNY CAMERON             0.133      1.184      3.079      96.44

Q1           369         LARRY SNOW      0.253      1.239      3.224      101.84

Q1           2837       TIM MARTIN          0.143      1.229      3.027      102.59

NSDN is kicking off our 2012 Daily Race Coverage schedule at the third annual Dome Valley Raceway Top Fuel Shootout February 2-5 at the Wellton, AZ track. We will have our normal results, news, and videos each night after racing action is complete from this event. Also, keep an eye on the “Race Updates” live update side bar on the left side of the main page for updates from the event as it happens. This NSDN Daily Race Coverage is brought to you by Hammer Down Racing , Morris Family Racing/Heavy Metal/2 Dolla' Bill Racing , and Swag Racing. Racing action kicks off on Thursday with Test and Tune action starting at 4PM AZ time. For any questions throughout the race weekend or to inquire about future Daily Race Coverage sponsorship opportunities, e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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